Quasimoto releases album
May 10, 2005
When people think of Quasimoto they think humpback, not a man named Otis with multiple musical personality disorder, if that was such a thing.
Quasimoto or Madlib or member of Lootpack, Madvillain, Jaylib and OK, you get the point.
Otis Jackson Jr., otherwise known as Madlib for the most part, is one busy producer/MC.
Madlib has done remixes or guest recordings for the Beastie Boys, The Liks, Xzibit, Dilated Peoples and Planet Asia to name a few, as well as released numerous albums under his different aliases.
The Oxnard resident has been involved in underground hip-hop since the early &90s and is a franchise talent for the independent label Stones Throw Records.
Quasimoto is one of Madlib&s outlets of music that wasn&t even going to be released to the public until Stones Throw Records founder Peanut Butter Wolf asked Madlib to put out a record as Quasimoto, which resulted in the release of &The Unseen.&
&The Further Adventures Of Lord Quas& is the follow up album to the 2000 release &The Unseen.&
In &The Further Adventures Of Lord Quas& you&re transported to an alternate dimension of hip-hop.
The vocalist of the adventure is Quasimoto who controls the musical journey with his relaxed flow distorted to sound like a person forever breathing helium.
Madlib&s normal raspy voice comes creeping in and out underneath Quasimoto&s voice or at times stands alone on a track.
The production of the album ranges everywhere from a saloon type piano with a clanking beat to an almost &80s theme song for a sitcom sounding track.
On the track &Closer& featuring one of Madlib&s many projects Madvillain MF Doom, the MC of Madvillain as well as an accomplished underground lyricist with many personas of his own, comes with his amazing flow as always.
However, the outstanding one-liners of Quasimoto stand out just a little bit more on &Closer& such as &MF Doom, Quas, high like sky scrappers/Quasimoto getting more (butt) than toilet paper.&
The topics of &The Further Adventures Of Lord Quas& may not be groundbreaking or profound, some examples being; an ode to big butts, smoking marijuana, and braggadocios rhymes.
However, the way in which the tracks blend into one another by having interludes after a song with everything from random beats and sounds to Melvin Van Peebles samples is creative to say the least.
&The Further Adventures Of Lord Quas& is not for someone who is closed minded dealing with the genre of hip-hop.
The album is for someone who has never really been into radio hip-hop or for someone who wants to hear the expansion of hip-hop and would like to add a unique experience to their CD collection.