Long waits not an option at the Student Health Center
April 6, 2005
The Health Services Fee Referendum, on the ballot for the election to be held April 19 and 20, will ask students whether they approve of a $27 increase to the mandatory $38 Student Health Services Fee to offset rising health care costs. As a person whose only visit to the Student Heath Center was four years ago for a mandatory rubella shot, my first reaction was nothing more than irritation and frustration.
Another fee increase; it’s like adding heavy rains to a flood. But what else is new? Every semester it’s something else.
Passing by the Student Health Connection in the University Union while on my way to class, I picked up a few pamphlets just to see what all the talk was about.All Sac State students are eligible to use the Student Health Center; in fact, students automatically pay health fees when they register that allow them to see primary care physicians at no cost. The $20 augmented health plan fee eliminates co-payments and makes procedures such as physicals, X-rays, optometry exams, vaccines, lab tests, massages, as well as certain pharmaceuticals and other services, free.
I’ve heard about all those services before, but I didn’t realize that part of my registration fees have been wasted on services I never opted to use. The issue prompted a discussion amongst a few of The State Hornet staff, and I listened as some shared stories advocating the great Student Health Center on campus.
Health concerns ranging from colds to birth control to wart removal to stress were all causes for these students to run to the Student Health Center.I found myself feeling left out — or more like I was missing out — and I thought about all those times I was sick, went to Walgreen’s and spent $20 for a box of Sudafed, a bottle of Nyquil, some cough drops and a box of Kleenex. I could have dropped that $20 bill on the augmented health plan, signed into Student Health Center with my OneCard and received the same pharmaceuticals plus a good massage. Now the thought bothers me.
“I like the Student Health Center because I can walk in and get exams done without waiting too long,” said Jessica Walker, a 23-year-old business major.Yes, if anyone understands, it’s me! They say patience is a virtue, but waiting for long periods of time in a lobby full of medical pamphlets and unruly children is one of my personal pet peeves. Any female who has waited two hours in a plastic chair at Planned Parenthood just to make the responsible choice to obtain birth control knows that.
The issue now is whether to approve the Health Services Fee Referendum. If approved, the Student Health Services Fee for all students would be $67 in the fall of 2005 and the augmented health plan fee would be eliminated, making most of the Student Health Center services free for students. Additionally, hours of operation would be expanded to meet the needs of the students and new services, such as dermatology and orthopedic care, would be offered as well.
If the Health Services Fee Referendum is not approved, the Student Health Connection in the University Union would close; therapeutic massages would be eliminated; student internships would be reduced; certain outreach programs would cease and vacant staff positions would result in longer waiting times. Of course, if you’re a student who already has health care coverage, paying an extra $27 would likely make your blood boil. However, I’m willing to bet that most Sac State students don’t have health care; whether they care about it enough to pay an extra fee is another question.
Next semester will be my last at Sac State, and I plan to utilize the Student Health Center for my every health care need (not to mention make up for all those semesters when I paid Student Health Services Fees but didn’t use the Student Health Center).
Yes, we’re talking about one more fee; but what’s an extra $27 when it comes to good health, shorter wait times, free pharmaceuticals and massages? It’s a bit surprising for me to support paying out more dough, but this is one fee increase worth supporting.
Carrie Espiritu can be reached at [email protected]