Lobbyist referendum removed from ballot

Greg Hyatt

Sacramento State may have its own professional lobbyist at the state capitol next semester if a proposal from Associated Students Inc. President Josh Wood passes the board’s vote.The ASI board voted March 30 to remove the measure from the ballot.

Wood introduced the proposal called IMPACT SAC, a political action pilot program.

The program would hire a lobbyist to work at the capitol on behalf of the university.

Originally the plan was to be presented to voters as a ballot measure in the April 19-20 election.

The measure would have asked students to approve an ASI fee increase of $2 per student per semester beginning in fall 2005 to fund the one-year pilot program.

ASI budget sufficient to support position

Wood said it made sense to request the measure be taken off the ballot since there is enough money in the internal budget to support a lobbyist, rather than asking students for another fee increase.

Now a committee made up of five ASI board members will debate the idea of redirecting funds from the ASI budget to hire a lobbyist.

James Shelby II, vice president of finance, said the funds to hire a lobbyist would come from ASI’s reserve fund.

Shelby was uncertain how much money would go toward a lobbyist, but said the amount can’t exceed $120,000.

Wood said to acquire a top lobbyist, the price tag would likely be close to the $120,000 maximum.

The ASI board would decide whether to continue the pilot program when its period expires at the end of the spring 2006 semester.

Wood told the board that Sac State needs to take advantage of its close proximity to the capital to effect changes in state education policy.

“This will open up doors for us as a capital university,” Wood said. Angel Barajas, ASI executive vice president, said a professional lobbyist could have a positive trickle-down effect on all CSUs, not just Sac State.

“A lobbyist for Sac State might act as a backbone for the entire system,” Barajas said.

Sac State already has two forces working with state politics. One is the Office of Governmental Affairs, a program of ASI, whose purpose is to lobby legislators and inform students on political issues regarding higher education.

The other source is the California State Student Association, a union of ASI representatives from all CSUs that discuss higher education policy.

Professional lobbyist could be more effective

But Wood believes a professional lobbying presence would be much more effective.

“The (Office of Governmental Affairs) is great, but we don’t have time to set up the relationships that lobbyists can,” Wood said. “If we can have someone who’s been doing it for a long time, it will help.”

Olgalilia Ramirez, co-director of the Office of Governmental Affairs, hasn’t taken a position on the proposal.

Ramirez said she would like to have more discussions with Wood about the idea.

“I’m on the fence about it,” Ramirez said.

Luke Wood, vice president of academic affairs, also strongly supports the idea and sees the lobbyist as working in conjunction with the office.

“This is the most important thing ASI can do,” Wood said. “We need some lobbying on our behalf. We want someone to represent just CSUS.”

Some board members reluctant to support

Other board members were not as quick to give support. Graham Ryland, director of Engineering and Computer Science, voted against the proposal going to an ASI committee and does not support making the decision for the students.

Ryland noted that he knows many students who think lobbyists are the reason that “things are going down the tubes” when it comes to higher education’s problems.

“I fully support asking the students if they want it,” Ryland said.

Shelby said he would want to meet with the lobbyist before making a decision.

“I’m not against it, but I want whoever the lobbyist is to come forward and show us a plan,” Shelby said.

Shelby added that the committee studying the idea would likely come back to the board with a recommendation in May. Then the board would have a final vote to approve or reject the plan.

Greg Hyatt can be reached at [email protected]