Searching for ways to make cash
September 28, 2004
The whole reason we go to college is to get a good job. Some mayargue that students are trying to better themselves or become morerounded people. If that is true, college could be the mostexpensive way of bettering oneself that exists.
For the vast majority of us, we are at Sacramento State toprepare us for better jobs.
We still need a way to make money while we are in college. Nowthat we have high school diplomas we have a lot more options thanjust fast food.
As college students, we can get jobs in offices filing ortyping. You can try and become an assistant in whatever field youare majoring in. Also, there are many jobs around campus that arewilling to adjust around your class schedule.
I saw a sign a few weeks ago in the University Union that almostmade me fall over laughing. It read: “Apply Now! PositionsAvailable! Start at $6.75 an hour.”
Am I the only one who has a problem with that sign? The $6.75 anhour is minimum wage. Why would you put on your sign starting atminimum wage? At that point there is no reason to post the startingwage. The sign might as well say, “Starting at the least wecan legally pay you per hour.” I have to give them credit forthis sign. Maybe they realized you would be stupid and not get theunderlying joke.
One problem that impedes our success in the work portion of ourlives is the availability of positions that we want. I have somebad news for you. If you are having a hard time finding a jobrelated to what you are majoring in now, do you actually think thatit will be better when you graduate?
Think about it. If you are having trouble getting assistantpositions in your future field, then who is to say you can get anupper level position when you graduate? There is a giant problemwith the way we run our lives. We decide on what we want to be fouryears before we are actually out there to work.
It happened a few years back when the big computer boom of thelate ’90s hit. Everyone decided to major in computers one wayor the other. Then when they graduated after the balloon poppedthey wondered if they made the greatest major decision.
I think it is time for us to start learning how to find jobs. Ifyou can’t find a job at least you can say that you are inschool. Whereas, in a few more years when you don’t even knowhow to start looking for a job, you will be sitting around gettingpoorer and poorer.