Plan ahead, work hard and get out of Sac State on time
May 11, 2004
Graduating in four years isn’t an urban legend. If I canmake it in four, anyone can. And who wants to be that guywho’s a senior for four years anyway? Here are somesuggestions that have worked for me.
Know your catalog rights and general education requirements.I’ve found some glitches in my schedule that academicadvising didn’t catch. It’s also important to know theshortcuts. English 1B or 1C at a junior college fills therequirement for English 20, as well as your A3 or C3 generaleducation requirement.
Ideally, it’s best to declare your major as soon aspossible. Certain prerequisites for your major may knock out someG.E. requirements, and could also save you from taking classes thatyou don’t end up needing. I changed my major during my junioryear and that made it a little more difficult.
Don’t change your major a million times. Deciding that apsychology degree isn’t for you when you are 15 units shy ofgraduating is stupid. How many people do you know have a careerthat has much to do with what they went to college for? When itcomes down to it, just having that piece of paper is what reallymatters.
Networking is just as important in school as when you get out.Talking to other students about what classes to take and whatteachers to avoid is key. They are sometimes the best advisers. Atthe same time, make sure you develop a relationship with one or twoteachers you like; they can help you make decisions about yourschedule, and I’ve found that when you’re more thanjust a face, you get more attention.
Don’t put off that hard class you’ve been dreading.The last thing you want is to have a heavy class load your lastsemester. I made this mistake and it’s not fun &- by thetime you get to the home stretch you are not only burned out, butfind it hard to get the motivation needed to do the littlest amountof homework.
It’s also a good idea to maintain good grades from thestart; you may need a little bit of a cushion when classes startgetting harder. I may not have always earned the best grades, but Istill have a 3.4 GPA. Also, make sure to average 15 units asemester. Although 12 units do qualify as a full load, the numbersdon’t add up. It will tack on an extra year.
Time management is the biggest factor in reaching the finishline. I’ve worked 20 to 30 hours, been an active sororitymember and had a ton of fun along the way. It’s almost easierto be productive when you have a busy schedule than when youdon’t have a lot on your plate.
Living with other college students helps. They are on the samepage as you. It’s nice to have someone you can study withand, of course, party with. And you’ll have someone tosympathize with you when you’re eating Top Ramen, trying tohide the dark circles under your eyes from the all-nighter youpulled or sleeping on a mattress on the floor.
I have seven days and counting until my last final over. This isquite possibly one of the single greatest feelings I have ever had.I no longer have to squint to see that light &- it is blindingme and I’m about to step out of the tunnel. Still, somepeople may say that graduating in four years is no big deal. Well,maybe it isn’t &- I mean what’s an extra year ortwo? Actually, it’s more money spent on books, tuition andparking, so if the prospect of less studying and papersdoesn’t appeal to you, maybe a little extra money in yourpocket is the motivation you need.
When I’m sitting in the hot sun in Hornet Stadium bakingin my black gown, I’ll be thinking of everyone that’sstill here. OK, maybe I’ll be thinking of all of the partyingI’ll be doing that night, but hopefully you’ll begraduating soon, too.