Peep this: Alumnus holds annual post-Easter event
April 20, 2004
Samantha Hinrichs
State Hornet
Susan, a first time contender is primed and ready.
“My strategy is milk, I think I can wash them down withmilk.” She anxiously looks at the pastel colored boxes ofEaster-time marshmallow treats in her arms. “I’m goingto pace myself. My goal is two Peeps a minute, but if I can do onePeep a minute I can stay on track.”
Susan wants to beat prior years female contenders in the eighthannual Peep Off, an afternoon of Midtown barbecue, beer and bingeeating.
Dave Smith, Sacramento State alumnus, has organized the Peep Offfor eight years, bringing together those who will devour sugarypastel treats, and those who will watch. The event is held on thefirst Saturday after Easter. The peculiar-only-to-Easter treats areshaped like a toddler’s Playdoh version of a hen and becomedramatically cheap after the Bunny season. White Peeps, treasuredby Peep eaters for their apparent digestibility are far outnumberedby canary yellow, electric blue, lavender and hot pink
Many take part in the eating, some just bring Peep themeddioramas but most stand outside the unassuming Victorian andwatch.
“I don’t like Peeps,” Scott Soriano says.”(I come) to watch people throw up.”
After the official competitive eating takes place, those who arebinge-free start throwing the marshmallow globs at each other. Thesideway factionalizes, and those to the south on the sidewalkrespond to the northsiders heavy Peep attack.
Susan is looking less optimistic 20 minutes into thecompetition. At 35 Peeps eaten, she is beginning to slow down.Multicolored Peeps fly above her head, and one bright blue oneclings to her boyfriend’s sweater.
“I have to take it slow now,” she tells me.
On the pavement next to her, two earnest competitors munch away.With only 30 minutes to eat a lot pf peeps, each serious contenderhas to eat them quickly.
Smith gathers the names of the competitors on a clipboard,resplendent in a spray-painted suit and white heeled boots. After25 minutes of eating time, he yells out the 5-minute warning andreiterated the rules: No more Peeps after 30 minutes, and thenthere will be a 5-minute cooling off period. If you regurgitateyour Peeps, well, you are disqualified. The number of Peeps eatenwill be counted then, and the winner &- Gillian, at 63 &-announced. The winner receives a bottle of blue Boones wine and asignature on Smith’s marriage certificate.
“No one likes Peeps at all &- horrible, horriblePeeps,” Smith interrupts his musings on Peeps to gather moreresults.
“Hey Next-Door-Charlie, how many Peeps did youeat?”
“Two,” Charlie yells back over the din of thecontinuing Peep fight.
“Sissy,” Smith retorts.