Live reports on elections coming soon

Image: Live reports on elections coming soon:ASI staffers and student government candidates wait in Round Table Pizza for the election results. Wednesday, April 28, 2004, Sacramento State University Union.:
April 28, 2004
As of 2:14 am, the divisions between different candidates arebeginning to dissolve. Salsa and line dancing bring togetherprevious opponents and music from drums and a guitar fills thebooming hallways. The Hive has long since stopped serving beer andthe lack of sleep is starting to affect everyone.
The current estimate is for results to be out at 3 am. The delayseems to be because of the unanticipated amount of ballots, and itmay be twice as many as last year.
As of 12:45 am, there are no results. Many people have left, andit is just the devoted few and those intimately interested in theresults. Candidates and RWEC proponents mill about the Union, somestopping to practice dance moves and others slouch against walls inexhaustion.
Continue to watch here as we will deliver election results assoon as they are announced and give live photographs and video.Later today we will also feature stories and interviews
Pacific Elections Services Inc. are counting ballots as fast asthey can.