Police Log: Feb. 27 – March 3
March 10, 2004
Friday, Feb. 27
Incident — PARKING STRUCTURE II — The owner of a 1997white four-door Audi found that the car’s tires hadbeen flattened. University Police said they feel thismay have been done intentionally.
Larceny/Theft — EAST SIDE RIVERSIDE HALL — A green andtan specialized men’s Hard Rock bike was stolenbetween 10 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. The bicycle’s value wasestimated at $300.
Burglary — LOT 8 BLOCK — The stereo and speakers werestolen from a 1994 Acura Integra between 9:30 a.m. and11:45 a.m. The burglar gained entry to the car bysmashing the passenger window.
Saturday, Feb. 28.
Incident — RESIDENCE HALL PARKING — A man driving asilver sedan with the front bumper falling off wascircling around the lot. University Police were calledbecause it was not clear what the man wanted and thesituation seemed suspicious, but the vehicle was goneupon their arrival.
Sunday, Feb. 29.
Disturbance — SUTTER HALL — A resident was arrestedand taken to Sacramento County Jail for being drunk.
Vehicle Code — RESIDENCE HALL PARKING — A woman wasseen driving a black Pontiac at a reported speed of 35mph through the lot without stopping for signs orsignals. When University Police arrived, the car wasparked in front of Foley Hall and the woman was nolonger in her car.
Property Booking — LOT 7 — A man on a bike was stoppedby University Police because he was carrying a CDplayer. The man told the officer that he had bought itfrom someone, but since the man had no proof, theofficer took the CD player and booked it into policecustody until the man could prove it was his.
Monday, March 1.
Incident — RESIDENCE HALL PARKING — University Policeanswered a call of a suspicious white van with orangeladders driving near Sierra Hall and the dining areas.When University Police arrived, it turned out that thevan was of electricians from the FacilitiesDepartment.
Incident — LASSEN HALL — A campus wide e-mail was sentcontaining content that was not appropriate for such alarge distribution.
Disturbance — EUREKA HALL — A woman was in her car bythe loading docks and was being blocked in by anothercar which would not let her leave. The woman’s mothercalled University Police who then went and settled thesituation.
Tuesday, March 2.
Disturbance — LOT 6 — Two people got in an argumentover a parking spot, with one person threatening todamage the others car.
Incident — LOT 8 BLOCK — University Police pushed a1999 Subaru back into a parking space after it hadrolled out.
Traffic — PARKING STRUCTURE II — A Honda was hit by aToyota Tacoma after the Toyota rolled out of itsparking spot. University Police left a note on bothcars asking them to call the station.
Wednesday, March 3.
Service — AMADOR HALL — An ambulance was called at2:44 a.m. after a custodian reported having heartproblems; he was then taken to the hospital.
Burglary Tools — LOT 4 — A car was seen circlingParking Lot 8 and was then stopped in Parking Lot 4where a man was found with burglary tools on him. Hewas ticketed and sent on his way.
Annoying e-mail — DRAPER HALL — An unknown person wassending troublesome e-mail messages and notes.