Dedicated to the pen
December 3, 2003
The River City Writers Group is a loosely formed group ofwriters that wanted to continue producing their written wordoutside of class to improve their craft.
If you are a student here, or just a writer looking for aworkshop, you are invited to attend one of their meetings.
They meet once a month where they critique and discuss eachother’s work. At meetings, members offer comments andsuggestions to aid each other in improving the quality of theirwork.
Before the eight-member group meets, they read eachother’s work. During the meetings, they offer their opinionsto the author.
Every member experiments with a different type of literary genreranging from screenwriting, auto-biography, playwriting, shortstory, detective fiction, romance, historical, sci-fi andfantasy.
“I find that the better writer I become, the harder thewriting process becomes, because I am not satisfied with what Ihave,” member G.E. Hensley said.
As students participating in this workshop as anextra-curricular activity in addition to their already demandingstudent schedules they have many obstacles they must overcome toparticipate in this workshop.
For Sarah Haslet, she must juggle the demand of her literatureclasses and the challenges of having to write an essay for oneclass and have enough energy and time to still produce a play orscreenplay that she may want to write on in her own free time.
Other more serious impediments challenge these writers too.
William Reed compensates for his severe visual impairment byusing the computer software called “Zoom text” thatenlarges the computer screen when he writes and reads out loud hiswords as he types to aid him in his own writing process.
Anne Hart, a graduate of Sacramento State in 1979 and apublished writer, is a new staff member of the River City Writers.She also has to overcome her visual impairment when she writes. Sheuses “Jaws” software that tells her what she iswriting.
Each member is tackling different projects during their workshopmeetings.
Hensley is currently working on a novel. She said she benefitsfrom this writers’ workshop with the input she receives onthe stories she submits.
The River City Writers are always looking for new group membersfrom all walks of life.
To join or for more information, contact the group [email protected].