University prepares to control enrollment growth on campus
November 19, 2003
The enrollment management subcommittee of the Council forUniversity Planning has issued a plan to help Sacramento Statebetter control enrollment growth.
The plan, approved last May by President Donald Gerth, focuseson limiting (ADMISSION OR ENROLLMENT?) and re-vamping classscheduling.
In an attempt to compensate for budget cuts over the past 2years, the plan suggests that first-time freshmen, lower divisiontransfers, students starting their second bachelor’s degreeand unclassified graduates not be allowed (ADMISSION ORENROLLEMENT?) this spring semester.
All students from outside the Sacramento area will also facetougher admission standards if the university becomes seriouslyover-enrolled, according to the plan.
Other suggestions include flexible scheduling through increasedevening and weekend classes and a change from the semester totrimester system.
Off-campus centers in Placer County and a satellite campus ofSolano Community College in Vacaville are being looked into asother possible means of distance education for Sac Statestudents.
“I think it would be beneficial to have a campus in PlacerCounty since I am from Roseville,” said Jennifer Asercion, achild development major. “It would be more convenient insteadof driving to Sacramento. I could avoid all of thetraffic.”
The CUP said it is also looking for new ways to improve studentretention and degree progress.