Task force on university athletics to hold forums
November 5, 2003
As stated in President Gonzalez’s fall address to thecampus, a CSUS Athletics Task Force was set up to evaluateSacramento State’s athletic programs.
The Task Force have two public forums planned to allow students,faculty and the surrounding community to give ideas and input forthe direction that the athletic programs should take.
The first forum will be 5:30 to 7 p.m. Monday in the RedwoodRoom in the University Union. The second forum will be 11:30 to 1p.m. Nov. 18 in the Hinde Auditorium in the Union.
There are five questions that those in attendance will be asked.The questions deal with the benefits, role and issues of athleticprograms.
Go online to make comments regarding Sac State athletic programsat athletic_taskforce @csus.edu.