Sex gives you more than a glow


So, what’s so great about sex? We see it everywhere we go.Sex is used to advertise almost any product and grabs practicallyeveryone’s attention. What’s all the hype about? Asidefrom the pleasure and that magnificent afterglow, there are severalother advantages to sex that often go overlooked. There’salso thing you can do to spice up your sex life.

-First and foremost, sex is great exercise. It gets your heartpumping and targets muscles in the lower body. Sex should not beused as the only form of exercise, but it is definitely a good miniworkout.

-Sex is a great stress management technique. Those moments ofintensity, exhilaration and euphoria help you to forget yourtroubles and provide a sense of relaxation and relief afterwards.Building up sexual energy without releasing tends to make a personmore aggravated and irritable.

-Next time you feel the onset of pain in your brain, don’treach for the Tylenol or Advil &- just jump in the sack. Sexhas been shown to release a chemical in the brain that gets rid ofheadaches.

-A new and interesting advantage to sex is that it slows theaging process and can make you live longer. According to thewebsite, those who have sex three or more times aweek can literally appear younger.

-Sex between monogamous partners helps create a greateremotional bond. Being sexual with another person helps the intimacyof the relationship to grow. A person becomes more comfortable andat ease with their partner.

Sex is wonderful because it is highly experimental. Couples canperform at varying extremes or be comfortable somewhere inbetween.

Some enjoy romantic sex, often referred to as “makinglove.” Partners are embraced in passion. Candles and flowersmay provide the setting.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, couples may prefer a morekinky and wild sex life. Playing “dress up” androle-playing or introducing a toy are common. Some crank it up withbondage and whips.

Wherever you fit in this spectrum, it is important to keep yoursex life interesting and exciting. Spice it up with something new.Try a different position or do it in a different place. Bring newideas into the bedroom and be spontaneous.

You could draw sex out and include foreplay, or come home for aquick nooner. Foreplay is not limited to oral sex. Teasing yourpartner by touching or kissing them everywhere except theirgenitals can do the trick.

Suggest sex to your partner a while before you have a chance toengage. Call them during the day and let them know that when theyget home, they are in for a treat. Or be naughty in public withgestures, words or fondling.

Sex helps us to understand ourselves more. We can formulatefantasies and define our desires. A person’s interpretationof sex is a characteristic that factors into an individual’sidentity.

Sex is fun, exciting and explosive. However, in this day andage, we all have to enjoy sex responsibly. If you are not in amonogamous relationship or if you do not know their middle name -use protection. If you are not ready to have kids, use some methodof birth control. The best advantage to sex is to not have to worryabout the consequences.

Do the dangers of sex still outweigh the benefits? Email Cyndiat [email protected]