Man threatens to sue school over free speech
November 19, 2003
A man filed a formal letter of complaint against the universityon Nov. 5, alleging violation of his First and 14th Amendmentrights.
Edward Jefferson brought the letter, which demanded payments of$3,300 within five working days, to Director of Student ActivitiesLou Camera and Cpl. Roger Britton of the University Police.
According to the letter, if the payments are not made, Jeffersonwill be “forced to seek action through the courts for agreater amount.”
Jefferson was also scheduled to meet with Shirley Uplinger, vicepresident for student affairs, on Nov. 5, but did not show up forthe meeting.
The letter was in regards to an incident that happened on Oct.27 in which Jefferson had a table set up outside of Santa ClaraHall, on the south walkway to the union, to collect signatures forballot initiatives and conduct voter registration.
Jefferson said that he was told by Camera to leave campusbecause his table was a trip hazard for the blind.
The letter alleges that there was a misuse of penal code 626.6,which deals with the interference of peaceful, as well asviolations of case and election code laws.
Jefferson also said that Camera tried to move his table, butstopped after he objected.
Camera denies touching the table. He refused to comment on thepayments that Jefferson is demanding.
After the incident, Jefferson was temporarily barred fromcampus. “There was a seven-day revocation of his permissionto be on campus, but it is not valid anymore,” said Lt. DanDavis.
The University Policy Manual states that the campus permits thefullest expression of beliefs through any means, including protestand demonstration, which do not incite or promote illegal activityor disrupt the educational process.
It also states that the campus will not infringe upon the rightsof freedom of speech and assembly, but that the free flow oftraffic to and from campus, and on the campus, must bemaintained.
Donna Selnick, university counsel, said that the campus policiesare legal and were applied legally and fairly in thissituation.