Hornets back into postseason after 1-1 overtime tie and 3-0 loss to New Mexico Lobos

Image: Hornets back into postseason after 1-1 overtime tie and 3-0 loss to New Mexico Lobos:Under a fountain of showers, midfielder Miguel Ramirez and assistant coaches Jason Gantt and Cesar Plasencia celebrate after senior Pat Powers scored the Hornets’ only goal in 1-1 tie with San Diego State. – Photo by Kim Park/State Hornet:
November 5, 2003
The Sacramento State’s men’s soccer team was able toqualify for the postseason tournament by way of the back door.
After a 1-1 tie in the drenching rain against San Diego State onFriday and a 3-0 loss to the University of New Mexico on Sunday,Sac State benefited by the losses of the University of Denver andAir Force.
The Hornets are now guaranteed a spot in the Mountain PacificSports Federation tournament, which they will host Nov. 13-16 atHornet Soccer Field.
Sac State has qualified for the MPSF tournament three-straightyears.
In New Mexico, the Hornets (5-10-2 overall, 2-3-1 in conference)put up a valiant effort on both sides of the ball but could not geta consistent attack on the offensive end and could not hold updefensively.
The Lobos (6-8-3, 3-2) would go ahead to stay with thematch’s first goal in the 31st minute when Lance Watson beatHornet goalkeeper Jeff Gibson.
The senior would allow two more goals, one in the 36th and thelast in the 59th minute. Both goals were scored by the Lobos’Ben Ashwill.
Gibson, who has been the starting goalkeeper during this stretchrun after sophomore Matt McDougall was sidelined with a brokenfinger, may or may not get the starting nod in the MPSFtournament.
McDougall is expected to get news on his broken finger today,but head coach Michael Linenberger won’t automatically nameMcDougall the starter for the tournament if he is cleared toplay.
“We’re going to evaluate both guys,”Linenberger said. “If Matt comes back and his timing is goodand there’s no tentativeness in his hand, then there is achance he’ll play. But (starting) is by no means a given.Gibby has filled in and done well and has gotten us a couple of keyconference wins.”
Gibson proved his mettle in the rain Friday with a game-high sixsaves as the Hornets tied the Aztecs 1-1 at Hornet SoccerField.
Senior forward Pat Powers displayed one of the best individualefforts of the season in the 14th minute as he split two Aztecdefenders after stealing the ball. He then beat goalkeeper CollinHanke to his left for 1-0 Hornets lead. It was the senior’ssecond goal of the year.
The rain continued throughout the first half but theHornets’ lead did not. In the 28th minute, the Aztecs’Kevin Sapanli pounced on a misplayed ball by Gibson in front of thenet and put the ball away for a 1-1 tie.
With games still remaining on the schedule for other MPSF teams,the Hornets won’t know what seed they will be or whom theywill play. One certainty is that the Hornets will be a seededfourth, fifth, or six.
“Everyone is starting to get comfortable and learneveryone’s little quirks – what someone is good at and whatsomeone is not too good at,” defender Marcos Mercado said.”We are actually starting to play as a team and this is thetime to do it. If we play well we get our first NCAA bid andthat’s what we’re aiming for.”
Another certainty is that coach Linenberger is excited abouthosting the tournament that his Hornets have aspirations towin.
“We have performed quite well at home this year,”Linenberger said. “We’re excited to play at home andplaying under the lights for the first time at home will beexciting as well.”