Gov. Davis changes trustee nomination
November 12, 2003
Some say the third time is the charm, but in Gov. GrayDavis’ case it is the second time that counts.
In his last weeks as governor, Davis’ appointment of MariaContreras-Sweet, the secretary of California’s Business,Transportation and Housing Agency, is his second attempt atnominating a candidate for the California State University Board ofTrustees.
After publicly being nominated Nov. 5, Contreras-Sweet isawaiting a two-thirds vote of approval by the state Senate.
“She has a long tradition of working with the CSU and thechancellor,” said CSU spokeswoman Clara Potes-Fellow.”We are very pleased.”
Susan Meisenhelder, the former California Faculty Associationpresident, was the original nomination from Davis. Meisenhelder isalso an English professor at Cal State-San Bernardino.
“Withdrawing a nomination with pressure from thechancellor’s office is unprecedented,” said JimChopyak, Sacramento State chapter president of CFA.
Both Contreras-Sweet and Meisenhelder have their own qualities,Potes-Fellow said. But Meisenhelder is in the bargaining unit ofthe CFA and this represents a conflict of interest. The Board ofTrustees already has someone that is representative of thefaculty’s perspective.
Chopyak said that the CFA would like the people of California toexamine the CSU Board of Trustees.
“Why is the chancellor so afraid of an Englishprofessor?” he said.
There are rumors going around that the new governor will changethe nomination before the Senate approves Contreras-Sweet, Chopyaksaid. Schwarzenegger will probably have a lot on his plate and thisissue might not be on the top of his priority list.
“We’re all going to have to wait and see whathappens,” Chopyak said.
President Gonzalez had no comment regarding the withdrawal ofthe nomination for Meisenhelder and the new appointment ofContreras-Sweet for the Board of Trustees.
It is an awkward situation for the president to comment onsomeone who could be his future boss, said spokesman for Gonzalez,Frank Whitlatch. He added that this is more of a statewide issuethan a local one.
Davis spokeswoman Amber Pasricha had said Contreras-Sweet is agood candidate, because she has experience working with thegovernor and is active in the community.
“She is the best candidate for the job,” Pasrichasaid.
Pasricha said she had previously endorsed Meisenhelder as beingqualified, as well.
Student trustee Eric Guerra said he has had interaction withMeisenhelder in the past. She was a good choice for theposition.
“She helped out and supported the California State StudentAssociation,” Guerra said.
Much of this support came while she served as president for theCFA, Guerra said.
He said that right now the governor’s change in plans hasnot affected the Board’s ability to conduct business.