Campus elevators past due for inspections

Image: Campus elevators past due for inspections:The West elevator in the University Union is one of many elevators around campus with expired permits. This elevator's permit expired Sept 18, 2003 as seen in the upper right-hand corner of the photo. -- Photo by Joe Dastagirzada/State Hornet:

Image: Campus elevators past due for inspections:The West elevator in the University Union is one of many elevators around campus with expired permits. This elevator’s permit expired Sept 18, 2003 as seen in the upper right-hand corner of the photo. — Photo by Joe Dastagirzada/State Hornet:

Tom Hall

In a sample of 10 multi-floor campus buildings Monday, everyelevator permit surveyed was found to be expired.

In the University Union, all three elevator permits expiredSept. 18, 2003.

In the library, the North 1 elevator’s permit expiredSept. 20. The library’s south elevator had a temporary,one-month permit. However, that permit expired Oct. 30.

The library North 2 elevator did not have a permit posted in thecar.

In Amador Hall, both elevators’ permits featured anexpiration date of Oct. 7.

The two Tahoe Hall elevators had permits that expired on Oct.3.

Also with an expiration date of Oct. 3 were the elevators inMendocino Hall.

Sacramento, Mariposa and Eureka Halls all feature elevators withpermits that expired Oct. 9.

Who is Responsible?

Matthew Altier – Associate VP of Facilities – (916)278-6421.

Days Past Expiration:

Between 13 and 55 days