ASI to vote on stance on student athlete bill
November 12, 2003
Board members of Associated Students, Inc. will vote today on aresolution to fight the state legislature’s Senate Bill193.
If passed, the bill would require all schools in the CSU and UCsystems to withdraw from the National Collegiate AthleticAssociation. The bill has been dubbed the “Student AthleteBill of Rights” by its authors, state Sens. Kevin Murray, D&- Los Angeles, and John Burton, D &- San Francisco.
According to the ASI resolution, sponsored by Joshua Wood,membership in the NCAA increases the value of the Sacramento Statedegree by “allowing our athletics program the honor ofcompeting in the Association which gives clout when recruiting keyathletes.”
Sac State’s athletics department, headed by athleticdirector Terry Wanless, said he also feels that SB 193 coulddestroy the sports program on campus.
If the resolution is passed by board members at today’smeeting, the measure will obligate ASI to “stand firmlyagainst SB 193 and the negative effects that it would have onintercollegiate athletics at CSUS and the value of the CSUSdegree.”
Earlier this semester, ASI’s involvement in campaignsagainst Proposition 54, the racial privacy initiative, greatlyincreased student awareness of the proposition and played a role indefeating it. attribution
It is ASI’s hope that in working against SB 193 it will bedefeated as well.attribution
College of Business director Moses Njuki is trying to increaseinteraction among student and faculty in the businessdepartment.
He will present legislation for a request that ASI fund businessstudents $200 for a barbecue hosted by business, faculty andstudents.
Njuki said that in coming together, teachers will have a chanceto hear students’ suggestions about how to improve thebusiness department.
Njuki sees the approval of his request for the donation to thebusiness department to be a confirmation that the ASI Board ofDirectors has met the two primary goals of ASI, he said.
These goals will serve as the official governing body of thestudents of Sac State and to advance the welfare of Sac State.
In legislation passed at a previous board meeting, ASI created acommittee to work for the creation and implementation of a OneCarddiscount program. Progress and developments of the committee willbe discussed at today’s board meeting.
The committee has worked with the campus OneCard Center andbusinesses of interest within a two-mile radius of Sac State tocreate a plan of action to begin the discount program.
The committee will be headed by Jordan Aquino for the remainderof the academic year.
During the spring semester, the Board will review thepossibility of creating a paid staff position to supportcontinuation of the OneCard discount program.
The ASI board meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the FoothillSuite of the University Union.