Rev. Jackson to fight Prop. 54 on campus
October 1, 2003
Jesse Jackson’s week-long Keep Hope Alive Campus Tour will make a stop at Sacramento State noon on Thursday at the Joe Serna Plaza.Sac State is one of seven schools visited in his tour to take on Proposition 54 that started Tuesday.
In a conference call on Monday, Jackson spoke with student press from Sac State, Chico State, Cal State Fullerton and San Francisco State. He said the tour is a massive “get out to vote” effort for California’s students.
Students are directly impacted by the decisions politicians make because of the fee increases and the scarce job market after they graduate.
He said he hopes that speaking on campuses will motivate students to vote.
“I hope students will vote in unusually high numbers,” Jackson said. “Youth can shift the agenda.”
He said he is concerned with students’ lives and this is another reason he is reaching out to campuses.
“It is your future that is at stake,” Jackson said. “You can not afford to be casual about your future.”
The anti-Propositon 54 rally will be hosted by various organizations including Black Student Culture Association, AFRICA and Associated Students, Inc.