Haunt the house in style
October 29, 2003
Too old to trick-or-treat and don’t have any big plansthis Halloween? Get into the spirit of the season by giving yourhome a scary make-over.
If an all-out transformation is desired, shroud the walls indark fabric (Wishing Well, $20 for 50 yards).
Next, think about your lighting. There are several options thatwill add a little dark ambience to your abode. Replace light bulbswith red or black bulbs (available at hardware stores) for another-worldly effect. Buy a bunch of Halloween-themed candles(Wishing Well, $1-$5) or devotional candles (Safeway, $1) and skipthe lights all together. For a more fun, light hearted feel, justput up some orange string-lights (Walgreen’s, $2.50).
Halloween decorating would not be complete without thatessential staple of spookiness, the bag of fake spider webs(Wishing Well, 3 for $1).
Create drapes that look as though they’ve been to hell andback using inexpensive gauze fabric (available at any hardwarestore). Buy in lengths twice as long as your windows and dip in asink full of diluted coffee or tea. Wash, dry and hang overwindows. Shred the edges of curtains with scissors and you’redone. The yellowish stains and rips give a long-abandoned feel.
Fresh flowers may kill a Halloween vibe, but dead ones fit inperfectly. Ask a florist, they’ll usually give them away forfree. For a creepier look, apply black spray paint after hangingthem (upside down) to dry.
Add personal touches like jack-o-lanterns or baby dolls fromhell (rip the heads off or add black and red smudges). The tipsabove will give your home only a basic scary setting.