Cusack and Co. hit this one out of the courtroom

Image: Cusack and Co. hit this one out of the courtroom:Courtesy of Monarch Enterprises and Regency Entertainment:
October 17, 2003
What could have been a joyful day turns into turmoil as elevenemployees are ruthlessly murdered. While one may think”Runaway Jury” is going to be based on John Grisham?soriginal novel, which centered the trial on tobacco companies, itis not. The wife of one of the victims (Joanna Going) decides to goto court with a big time gun company in hopes of winning herlawsuit filed against them.
Gary Fleder does a good job of moving the story up a few yearswhen jury selection begins. No compassion or care was shown in theselection of the jury, as if the scenes existed to help the movieprogress. Because of a mysterious character inside the jury (JohnCusack), the jury themselves often make a mockery of the court andthey keep the enemies wondering who?s going to win the trial in theend.
While the jury may seem all fun-loving, they have hiddenlives with untold truths. They may think that their stories arekept in their little private boxes, but they aren?t. Oblivious tothe hi-tech surveillance, someone is watching their every move.While the movie may keep the average moviegoer on the edge of theirseats, the intensity of the film is continually broken by randombursts of comedy.
In movies based on court cases, one usually expects it to bemostly about the lawyers, but not this time. With the focus on thejurors, you never know who the real enemy is. The movie putsconstant twists in your mind and keeps you wondering what?s goingto happen next.
For all those who are up on what?s happening with guncontrol, you?ll enjoy the movie for what it’s worth whether you?refor or against the issue. But like most movies, a love story leadsthis case to its bitter end.
In the process of the case, I was thinking: I hope law teams inreality don?t play so scandalously in their dealing with eachother.
While the movie is about gun control, you can expect loosereferences to the Bill of Rights and how we want to make ourneighborhoods safer for our children to play in. But the movieisn?t just about guns, it?s about moral reason too. And it?sdefinitely a drama filled with action and suspense to keep you onthe edge.