Alias 3.5: Repercussions

Image: Alias 3.5: Repercussions:Courtesy of Touchstone Television:

Lauren Robeson

This week on “Alias,” Vaughn (Michael Vartan) dreamt of Sydney(Jennifer Garner) &- not Lauren (Melissa George), aka Mrs.Vaughn. Let’s just all take a moment to ponder that.

OK, moment’s over. Elsewhere, Sark (David Anders) is mostdefinitely working for the Covenant, if it wasn’t glaringly obviousbefore. He and Simon (Justin Theroux) dropped the Covenant’sbiological weapon over a prison &- purposely killing everyonebut an arms dealer (Djimon Hounsou) who was put in jail by Sloane(Ron Rifkin) sometime during Syd’s missing two years.

When Lauren and Syd attempt to meet with Sloane, Sark and thearms dealer (who is none too happy with Sloane) abduct him, leadingthe conflicted pair on a car chase. After he is released, Sloaneproposes to the C.I.A. to be a double agent for them with theCovenant.

I’m thinking he’s going to be working more for the Covenant thanthe CIA, though. Just a hunch.

Meanwhile, Jack (Victor Garber) has been trying to getfurther into the Covenant himself. Unfortunately, one of Simon’shenchmen took Jack’s picture and got an ID &- for both Jackand Syd &- from Sark.

Having been made, Jack killed Simon.

For the episode’s grand finale, Marshall and Syd went on amission for no conceivable reason (at least for now) other than toprovide comic relief.

And, the surprise of the week &- Vaughn survived beingstabbed by Syd! I, for one, was shocked.

Overall, “Repercussions” was a good episode, although more andmore “Alias” is becoming “The Lauren Reed Show.” The producers havebeen going on and on about how much everyone is going to loveLauren &- or how much we should have loved her by thispoint.

But, not so much.

More and more, the Covenant subplot is becoming veryinteresting, especially since we now know that Sark and Sloane areboth a large part of it. The most disappointing part of the episodewas when Simon was killed &- even though I know thatcharacters on this show have a pesky little habit of not stayingdead.

The Triangle is starting to gain momentum &- Mrs. Vaughnsays she isn’t threatened or worried, but she probably should be.After that dream, and Vaughn’s disappointment at seeing only hiswife when he woke up from it, it’s safe to say that Lauren is notthe only one on his mind.

And Lauren, sweetie, just give it up &- you’re losing thefight for your husband very quickly, even if you don’t realize ityourself. Just retreat into the corner and lick your wounds &-I’m sure J.J. Abrams could give you a desk job somewhere.

Then the ship can go back to the way it’s supposed to be.

Grade: A-