Where should I sit at the game?
September 19, 2003
Wow, that was a totally awesome game that the Hornets won onSeptember 6th. Too bad I couldn’t enjoy the game with my friendswho were forced to sit on the opposite side of the field.
Last week at the game, the ushers directed students withSacramento State identification cards to the bleachers on theHornet side of the field; however, if those students brought guestsor an alum wanted to come to the game, they would have to sit onthe visitor side of the field.
Student Tameka Harris brought her younger sisters to the game,but were seated on the visitor side of the field because of theirnon-Hornet status. Harris said that she was extremely disappointedbecause the home side wasn’t even filled. Looking around thestadium, all she saw were empty seats.
LaToya Goodrum, also a student at Sac State, said that theseating arrangements at the game weakened the team’s supportbecause they might not have known which side was rooting for themwhen it really should just be the home side of the field. Everylevel of football has a home side and a visitor side, includingjunior high schools, high schools and pro football. So it didn’tmake sense at all to Goodrum as to why the seating would bearranged in such a fashion.
It was bad enough with current students angered by the game, buton top of that, alum Nicole Duncan joined in the commotion,commenting, “It felt horrible. I was about to go get a refund andnever return again.” She also mentioned that it would probably bebetter to have Sac State fans sit in the nose bleeds on the homeside of the field rather than sit on the visitor side, as ifthey’re rooting for the wrong team.
After talking to Terry Wanless, athletics director at Sac State,he informed me that the reason for the seating was that the Homeside of the Hornet Field was to be a specific place that wasspecial seating for the students only. It was meant to be a placewhere all Sac State students would be in community and schoolspirit with each other while rooting for their team.
Seating at this past home game may not have been that great, butit’s all coming full circle. After talking to Damon Dukakis,marketing/promotions director at Sac State, he said that change hascome to the procedures for friends and guests getting into footballgames.
So there should be no more complaints after giving you the rundown. In order to have your friends and family sit with you at thegame, you will have to buy your tickets prior to the game. Thatmeans if you’re going to go to a Saturday game, you will have tobuy your tickets anytime between Monday and Friday at the MainTicket office, which is located outside at the front of theUniversity Union. If you need a clearer picture of where the mainticket office is, you can check out the campus map at http://www.csus.edu/scripts/asp/map/map.asp.
When you purchase your tickets, you have a limit of purchasingtwo for you friends and family. The price for tickets willregularly be $8.00; it will also cost $8.00 to get into theCauseway Classic. Also, keep in mind that your guests must beescorted into the game. They will not get into the game withoutyou.
Wanless suggests that students get to the game ahead of time. Bethere to enjoy the pre-game or to cheer for the team during theirwarm-ups. It’s all part of the festivities. I hope to see you allat the next game with lots of Hornet spirit.