Dormie of the Week: LeClaire Ebow
September 12, 2003
LeClaire Ebow has some cool scoops to share with you about whatgoes on in Sierra Hall. She’s a sophomore majoring incommunication studies, living on the third floor in Sierra Hall.Her nicknames are Texas and LaCleezy. They call her Texas becauseshe’s originally from Texas and enjoys the south, and theycall her LaCleezy because she’s “off theheezy.”
Hailing from the “Dirty South,” LaCleezy misses theLone Star state tremendously. She says that here in Sac Town, wehave no southern hospitality. In Texas, everyone is friendly andthe people tend to greet each other with a cordial hello and asmile.
Another thing that makes Texas unique from Sacramento is thesummertime. A common day in Texas is usually smoldering with heatand very humid. This weather allows the Texans in LeClaire’stown to put on their underwear and walk around outside at night inthe heat, but here in Sac, that would be unheard of.
She’s not very passionate about drinking. However, shedoes enjoy southern lemonade and a cold glass of milk every once ina while because it does her body good. LeClaire likes to kick itwith her friends Marcus Story and her teammates on the track team,with whom she parties and clubs with. Having run track since theseventh grade, she never thought she would be able to make it on acollege team. Being on full scholarship serves as an added plusbecause it keeps her in shape to walk the long ten minutes to classeveryday.
Speaking of class, she longs for Friday to arrive each week.When that day comes, she gets to see all her peeps, party all nightand not have to worry about waking up for school the next morning.She said, “You can get your education in the morning andparty at night, night, night, all night long.”
When her stomach comes a callin’, the delicacies sheenjoys are the stylings of a restaurant she used to work in calledRixter’s Hanger, which gets its name from an airplane hangerin her old town of LaPorte. Texas also really misses herdaddy’s crawfish ettoufe and her mamma’s dirtyrice.
But this is Sacramento, folks, so in the meantime, LeClaireroutinely heads over to the Dining Commons (DC) everyday to get hergrub-on. While the tri-tip is good, it’s not as good as thefood on soul food night.
When LeClaire is full and done, she usually heads back to herroom for some rest and relaxation. Roommate Desirae Wright saysthat LeClaire is really sweet, has a lot going for her and isreally nice. She hopes that some of LeClaire’s kindness andgood fortune will rub off onto her. They really appreciate havingeach other as roommates and said don’t feel theycould’ve been matched up with anyone better.
They really enjoy spending time with their friends in the hall.Makito is cool because he lets them steal his roommate’smattress and bed frame to make them fit together as bunks.He’s hardly ever home, but he’s still really cool andNik, Makito’s roommate, is the homie. Nik is respectful whenhe has to be and when they get mad at him. Shaine, another friendon the hall, is very fun to be around and sexy to look at, saysDesirae. He says that LeClaire is very respectful, beautiful,honest, helpful and sharing, and Nik thinks that she dresses reallynice and that he’s glad to have her as his second friend inthe dorms. They also think that their RA, Christina, is very cool.Overall, Sierra Hall’s third floor is the best and the mostcrackin’.
LeClaire wants to be more successful in track, school and makemore friends. She says that staying in the dorms really isn’tthat bad. It’s convenient, you have food ready for you allthe time and you don’t have to wake up as early to get toclass. She doesn’t regret staying here at all. It’s hersecond year and she’s enjoying it.