‘Anger Management’ isn’t good, it’s great for you!
September 23, 2003
Length: 106 mins.
Rated PG-13
Format: Widescreen 2.40:1
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1
Subtitles: English and French
Extras: Audio Setup, Subtitles, Scene Selection & SpecialFeatures
Anger Management, starring Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson, isfilled with comical anger. Dave Buznick (Sandler), who appears tohave anger issues, is forced to attend anger therapy sessions witha somewhat nagging specialist (Nicholson). But after a while, Davebegins to wonder if it isn’t the nagging specialist who is thepsychotic one.
For the most part, it was an entertaining movie to watch, butthe best part of the DVD is in the extras. If you check out thespecial features and the audio set up, you can find hiddenextras.
Here’s how you do it. Once you enter the audio set up,press the up button on your DVD remote and you’ll see the eyes ofthe cat light up at the top of your screen. Press enter and you’llbe able to view some behind the scenes actions of the “AngerManagement” cast and crew. Then, proceed to the main screen of thespecial features section and click on deleted scenes. Once you’vearrived at the deleted scenes section, press the up button on yourDVD remote again. You should see one of the buttons on the shaverat the top of the screen light up, at which point you can pressenter. This action will take you to a special scene where you’llget to view Adam Sandler telling one of his jokes.
The deleted scenes themselves weren’t that funny, so the editorsdid a good job cutting unneeded scenes. However, they are fun towatch afterwards, just to see where they could have fit into theplot.
A couple other cool things you can find in the specialfeatures section is a cool game called “Do You Have AngerProblems?” The questions in the came are asked by a variety of castmembers. Check it out, and see how anger might get the best ofyou.
Also check out the trailers for more upcoming movies like AdamSandler’s “8 Crazy Nights.”
Overall, the movie is off-the-wall hilarious and the specialfeatures on the DVD definitely add to it. I give the movie fourstars for keeping me laughing throughout. Definitely rent it or buyit, it’s worth seeing at least once. You’ll get a kick out ofit.