Dining violations reported at River Front
May 14, 2003
A dead cockroach and insect parts were found in hot chocolate from La Creperie in the River Front Center, according to a formal complaint made to county health officials.
Environmental Health Specialist Jim Sherman of the Sacramento County Environmental Health Department was unable to identify the parts as cockroaches.
The report from their May 2 inspection said all of the storage shelves must be cleaned, and a pest control service has been provided.
“It is very unfortunate,” said owner Michel Bloch. “When I heard about the incident, I called the health department.”In the food business, it is not unusual for things like this to happen, Bloch said. Bugs can be brought in from produce shipments and in the products ordered from outside companies.
Since the complaint, La Creperie has thrown out the contaminated chocolate and now makes it a standard procedure to sift the chocolate every morning, Bloch said.
“We take it very seriously,” Bloch said.
A specialist from Ecolab came to inspect the facility, Bloch said. Ecolab handles sanitation regulations at food establishments.
Ecolab inspector Rick Meder said the cockroach part found in the hot chocolate was not native to Sacramento, nor does it normally live indoors, Bloch said.
Based on Meder’s analysis, La Creperie believes the cockroach was in the hot chocolate container upon delivery to the restaurant, Bloch said.
A letter was sent to the company in regard to the incident, Bloch said.
The unfortunate customer has been a patron to La Creperie for years, Bloch said. Flowers were sent and an apology was given, and the person has since returned as a customer to La Creperie, Bloch said
Executive Director of CSUS Foundation Elroy Littlefield and Assistant Director for Marketing Services David Levy, the spokesperson for the CSUS Foundation, were unavailable for comment before deadline.
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