A wonderful world of violence
November 6, 2002
I love violence. That is, the violent actions shown or expressed in forms of entertainment. I’m aware that this violence can be harmful to some people, however, most fans of violence receive a bad rap for the fact that they receive pleasure out of watching these elaborate gun fights, death defying stunts or all out brawls. I do see a problem with forms of entertainment that encourage racism, sexism, carelessness, gluttony or any acts of hatred towards other living beings, and believe that these things do influence violence in our society but are not the cause.
It is accurate to say that the media shapes our reality, and also fair to say that certain forms of entertainment infect our minds and bodies. Besides the Rick Fox – Doug Christie fight that had been analyzed by the sports media, I do not think that we are infected by other media hits like “Jackass: The Movie.”
Here are some examples of contemporary controversial entertainment that should not be burned at the stake, but rather examined and celebrated for their popularity.
MOVIES: “Jackass” is not for kids because their minds are not developed enough for this film that involves gross-out stunts performed by so-called professionals. This film is not harmful to anyone but the artists themselves. The humor is at their own expense.
This past summer “XXX” was released starring Vin Diesel, playing a new hip secret agent. In this movie people are shot and killed with the same sensitivity that one has toward an ant when spraying Raid on it. However, the movie is really an ingenuous commentary on the image that is created when the fashion industry works its way into national security.
VIDEO GAMES: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is an extremely popular video game whose creators, according to talk show host and writer, Mike Wilbon, should be stoned to death, has sold out in many stores. This might be because the game’s primary objectives are stealing cars and killing people for money. There is no deep message here, but rather just the fantastical release for anyone who has ever felt like kissing this world good bye. There are no morals, no laws and no loyalties in “Vice City” (as if the name doesn’t say enough about how seriously it wants to be taken). Another game that is quite fun but involves a lot of killing is “Max Payne.” My father and I haven’t had many conversations that were philosophical, except over the way we played “Max Payne.”