No Cult, No Hazards

Melissa Butz

I find it odd that you have found this bigotry worthy of print. This person is suggesting that the newspaper turn away a particular promotional piece solely on the basis of religion. I’m sure that if the local Jewish temple wanted to promote its services, anyone opposed to it would be called a Nazi. This is NO different. Scientology is a bonafide, certified, worldwide religion and millions of people use it to improve conditions in life.

If anyone actually wants the truth about L. Ron Hubbard, they can go to and find out the following, among other things:

More than 3000 recognitions, proclamations, keys to cities, and major awards have been presented in the name of L. Ron Hubbard from over 350 cities, states, and nations.

L. Ron Hubbard developed the most successful drug rehabilitation program in existence today.

The letter “Cult Hazards” isn’t a warning against a “dangerous group”. It’s religious intolerance – period. I respect other people’s religious beliefs. I expect nothing less from others when it comes to mine. This person obviously believes anything he hears and the local Scientology church should be happy he won’t be walking in the door. Scientology is for people who can think for themselves.