Augmented health plan extended

Michelle Perez

The Student Health center has announced it will extend the purchase time for the augmented health plan.

The augmented health plan was originally scheduled to be sold during the first month of school. However because the health center would like to encourage students to take part in its many benefits, including the new Therapeutic Massages, the Administration has extended it for purchase through the end of October.

The augmented health plan is still $20 and offers many benefits that those without the plan can’t access. Benefits such as Therapeutic Massages, Flu Vaccinations, and Optometry Examinations are just some of the services offered through the plan.

Students who have purchased the augmented health plan are also entitled to 45 minutes of Therapeutic Massages for the semester. Those who do not have the augmented health plan cannot take part in the Therapeutic Massages.

Students who have not purchased the augmented health plan can still take part in medical services offered at the health center, but will have to pay higher prices for certain services and are subject to limitations.

Purchase of the augmented health plan can be done in the Cashier’s office, located in Lassen Hall.