Wireless Internet conections give students freedom to roam

Joseph Craig

Students tired of waiting to hook up to the Internet on campus now have an option to standing in line.

The Student Union offers wireless Internet connections for students with laptops who have a wireless card.

“Students will get to avoid all the crowded areas in the Student Union when looking for an outlet with which to log on from,” said Brian Peterson, a student-assistant working in the Hornet Bookstore.

“All you need is a computer with a wireless card,” Peterson said.The three wireless cards in the bookstore sale from $92 to $129.Wireless cards are designed to allow students the ability to move about the Student Union and remain connected to the Internet due to access points placed throughout the building.

Card installation should not be a problem for owners of any type of computer, which Peterson said requires nothing more than the insertion of the card into the proper port.

There are computers which come with cards pre-installed that can be ordered through the Hornet Bookstore.

Wireless connections can also be achieved at home or in the office as well with the card and the purchase of accessing points.Access points range from $200 to $300, Peterson said.

Senior James Gennoy said he uses his wireless card twice a week in the Student Union. The wireless card allows him to go anywhere on the Internet and uses his card and access point at home as well, he said.

Gennoy purchased his equipment at Best Buy for considerably less than the bookstore offers, he said.

“It cost me around $60 for my wireless card, and the access point cost me around $100,” Gennoy said.

The wireless card allows him the freedom to remain connected to the Internet while roaming throughout the Student Union and various other buildings on campus including Riverside Hall, Gennoy said.

“I purchased my wireless card around the first day of class, and it saves me from having to stand in line waiting for a computer, Gennoy said.