Where Did The Summer Go?

Dustin Diaz

Where did the summer go?

Why are we here? What?s going on? I still need books. Hell, I still need classes! Do I have to be here? Why did I come to school anyway? I just wanna sleep. I just wanna watch TV. Staying home was all I thought it would be. But nevertheless, working was not.

Are you thinking the same thing? Do you ever wonder why you?ve been coming to school for the last year or two, or three?or six? Has it taken you four years to figure out that maybe school isn?t for you? Don?t worry. School will always be here. Most people say they come here to get that slip of paper called a degree. Sure you can think that; but sometimes it?s just the people you meet and hangout with. These are the college years we are supposed to remember, remember? When you grow older, far from the years you?ve spent at school, most likely you won?t recall the exams you?ve taken, the homework you?ve poured your lives into, or perhaps any General Ed classes you?ve taken. Most likely you won?t remember any of the news articles you?ve read from the infamous State Hornet. Sure, this one probably sounds just like the rest. Clever headlines draping over last year?s news. What?s new? School is back in, right? Unfortunately, this happens every year.

Chances are if you?ve been coming here long enough, you wouldn?t have even made it to the third paragraph of this story. If you?re new, you might just make it to the end. Therefore, the rest of this is for the new people.

I could easily give you the tips on “How to be a Successful College Student” and write things like don?t max your credit cards, or the quad isn?t quite the best place to study, or even wear a condom for the men. I?ll leave that to the next guy to write. And besides, nobody really reads that stuff anyway, and you?ll eventually figure out all that stuff on your own. Everyone does. That?s because college is about finding out how to do things your own way. In secondary schools, you?re taught to do everything their way. So now is your time to break from those habits and experience all the stupid things you?ve always wanted to do that you couldn?t before. You?ve probably heard all the harsh realities that really aren?t “realities” like long nights of homework, thirty-five page essays, and horribly terrifyingly boring teachers. First of all, homework is a joke your first semester. Secondly, if there are any general education classes that make you write more than a five-page essay, you need to drop it. And finally, I?d say we have some of the best teachers here for having one of the lowest paid universities for the professors in the country. But still, avoid the bad ones if you can.

Sac State is the kind of school that will eventually grow on you. It may not be Harvard or Princeton-or even UC Davis-and speaking of UCD, somehow throughout your time here you?ll find quite a disdainful taste for those guys. It happens to most people eventually, but nobody?s really sure why. After all they?re just students like us-who pay a little more for their education-those snobs! You don?t need to pay more to get the same education you?re getting here. So the parking passes are expensive, and the books are a pain, and nobody likes the President. At least you?re not paying the few extra grand for tuition. So while you?re here, being this may sound trite, just relax, make friends, and do what you want to do.