Free yoga classes offer stress relief
September 17, 2002
The beginning of another school year can often be stressful and nerve-wracking. Luckily there?s the Yoga and Meditation Club to help relax and rejuvenate the body and soul.The Yoga and Meditation Club offers free classes at Sac State. Classes are designed to teach a variety of techniques used to lower stress and improve relaxation. One such class teaches Hatha yoga. According to yoga instructor Linda Harvey, Hatha yoga is a message for the whole body, inside and out. It helps calm the mind and nervous system, build muscle and increase blood circulation.
The yoga classes offered at Sac State are taught by certified instructors who give step by step instructions on each of the asansas or poses during the yoga classes. Scott Buse, another Sac State yoga instructor, explained that yoga helps both the mind and body become calmer. He also explained that yoga gives him a way to be more healthy and aware and that it is an exercise that is recommended for anyone with stress in his or her lives. A person can practice yoga with any body type no matter how old he or she may be.
In addition to teaching yoga movements, the classes offered at Sac State teach different kinds of mantras or chants that can be practiced during meditation. Harvey explained that mantras, “man” meaning mind and “tra” meaning away from, allow the mind to leave the thought process of everyday life behind and focus on higher thought. Mantras also allow the mind to become much calmer and relaxed.
Kate Milbrett, a Sac State student who has enrolled in meditation classes said that they have helped her become more alert, focused and calm in her daily life. She explained that meditation was a very worthwhile experience and she practices meditation throughout the day no matter where she is.
Hatha yoga class is held on Tuesdays from 4:30 to 5:45 PM in the Union?s Valley Suite. The Meditation I class is offered on Tuesdays from 6:00 to 7:30PM in the Valley Suite on the third floor of the Union while the Meditation II class is offered on Mondays at 5:30 to 7:00PM in room 110 of Douglas Hall.
For more information about the 5,000 year-old Yoga and meditation techniques from India call 944-3351 or write an e-mail to [email protected].