Charges of cronyism hit ASI
September 24, 2002
Associated Students, Inc.?s appointments to various student committee positions have one board member suggesting cronyism. Others claim that the various appointees are the right people for the job.
At the first ASI meeting last Wednesday, Luke Wood, executive vice president of ASI, recommended 11 students for eight positions. These positions have been vacant since the beginning of last semester, when a total of 40-50 were unfilled.
The proposal passed with a majority vote, with Mohamed Hamada being the lone dissenting voice.
“I felt that the appointments were not diverse, and not reflective of the student population,” Hamada said. “All of the appointees have personal relationships with Wood.”
Wood rejects the idea as nonsense, claiming that every appointee is aptly qualified.
“Whether or not I have ties to my appointees outside of ASI is irrelevant to their abilities as individuals to work diligently in the interest of the students,” Wood said.
One of those appointees, Calvin Davis, has had a spotty history with ASI.
Last December, he resigned from his position as ASI Vice President of University Affairs amongst controversy concerning his lack of appointments to the very committee he now sits on.
He has been acknowledged by both opposing sides as a competent candidate to fill the position of Diversity Council chair.
“Calvin Davis is one of the few true representatives of the students that I know. He has always shown a strong commitment to issues of diversity,” Wood said.
Hamada echoed Wood?s sentiments.
Davis could not be reached for comment.