Selected web resources
April 16, 2002
The New York Times online section on the Middle East.
This is an excellent source for up to the minute news.
The Gulf 2000 project is funded by Columbia University to provide information on, and understanding of, eight states in the vital Persian Gulf region?a driving force behind much U.S. policy.
A major newspaper in Jerusalem.
Good for up to the minute news from an Israeli perspective. Opinion pieces can provide a particular keen insight on the Israeli point of view.
Contains links to television, radio, magazines and newspaper Web sites from throughout Israel.
Some are in Hebrew.
MIT scholar Noam Chomsky explains the modern history of the crisis from the left?s perspective.
Articles from “alternative” sources.
The Nation columnist Alexander Cockburn wrote this for American Journal.
The Center for Middle Eastern Public Policy at the Rand Institute think-tank.
Ayn Rand Institute think tank covers looks at the crisis from the right?s perspective.
Multimedia site explores the political situation in the Middle East.
The Sacramento State Library?s database home page is an excellent jumping off point for research. JStor offers access to a wide array of academic journals through Adobe Acrobat Image files. Few such utilities offer academic journals in full body text. Lexis-Nexis provides access to articles from thousands of newspapers and magazines. These and other utilities are free to Sac State students.
Search the Sacramento State Library.
Searchall libraries in the University of California.
The Middle Eastern Information Network contains links to Arab news sources.
Many of these sites are in Arabic.
Up to the minute coverage of Israel and Palestine from the BBC.
Series of maps that show the history of border changes in Israel since 1916.
Israeli newspaper published together with the International Herald Tribune.
Links to Democray Now?s radio show and interviews on the conflict.
Includes interviews with Suraida Saleh?s (a 21 year old American mother killed with her baby on April 3.) father, Farhan Mohammed Saleh.
Actual letter of those Israeli?s refusing to fight in current conflict.
Part of the letter:”We hereby declare that we shall continue serving in the Israel Defense Forces in any mission that serves Israel?s defense. The missions of occupation and oppression do not serve this purpose and we shall take no part in them.”
Contains demographic, geographic, and political information.
The European Union?s Middle East Policy.
The Jerusalem Center is an independent, non-profit institute for policy research and education serving Israel and the Jewish people since 1976.
Middle East Children?s Alliance
Educational, large Web site with many perspectives.
Contains news, calls for action to publish in U.S. papers.warning: some graphic photos.
American family dedicated to a more humane world.
Site contains links to other resources, including a Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group.
Petition from Alliance of Middle Eastern Scientists and Physicians of multi-ethnic members.
Foundation for Middle East Peace.
Nonprofit organization dedicated to informing Americans about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and assisting in a peaceful solution that brings security for both peoples.
Ariga carries mostly reports or links to reports about the the Middle East peace process, with an emphasis on peace groups,joint Israeli-Arab efforts, and other attempts to make a new Middle East.