Polls Open

Image: Green Thunder accusations mount:Howard Story:
April 17, 2002
Better student parking, class accessibility and diverse representation are the key issues in this year?s Associated Students, Inc. Elections, which will be held Tuesday, April 23 and Wednesday, April 24.
Eligible candidates have formed two major slates and began campaigning April 9. Similar to a political party, slates are groups of students with the similar beliefs on campus issues.
Current ASI Executive Vice President Eric Guerra is running for president and has called his slate 180, with his slogan “Taking it back”.
“The purpose of 180 is to focus the direction of ASI back to the students,” Guerra said. “Our big issue is class accessibility and affordable student housing.”
The fact that students are graduating in five, six or even seven years shows that class accessibility is a problem, Guerra said.
Also running on the 180 slate are executive vice president candidate Francis Tobais, vice president of finance candidate Peter Ucovich, and vice president of university affairs candidate Crystal Chase.
Howard Story, who is currently the director of the Green Thunder spirit program, is also running for president on the Student’s Voice slate.
The Voice slate is representative of all backgrounds, according to Story.
“The people on our slate closely represent our camps,” Story said. “Diversity is a big thing for us, we hope to bring unbiased views to the board and hope to make decisions based on the diversity of our slate.”
Story said he has had the idea of running for a long time, “We hang out a lot and party together,” he said.
Story said his number one priority is campus safety. He said he feels that safety is not a priority for the administration.
“I would also like to put better lighting out on the parking lots for students who have night classes.” Story said.
Story said he feels he is the most qualified candidate because he is the average student.
“I will not let the administrators control me if I get elected,” he said.
Other positions on the Voice slate include executive vice president candidate Luke Wood, vice president of finance candidate JJ Hurley and vice president of university affairs candidate Joe Booth.
ASI Vice President of Finance Tom Hughes is also running for president, though not with a slate.
Hughes, who is running with vice president of university affairs candidate Dave Ramirez, feels that many important issues need to be addressed.
Hughes? ultimate focus will be to increase committee participation on campus and also find ways to restructure ASI, making it more accessible to the student population.
“My opponents Eric and Howard come from different ASI backgrounds,” Hughes said. “I learned everything about ASI in one year. I doubt Howard Story is aware of what actually goes on in ASI.”
“I?ve been forced to understand the issues because of my involvement with finance,” he said.
Hughes said he would like to change things in ASI and use less of a “socialist” approach.
“My approach would be more individual based.” he said.
Polls for the ASI Elections will be open from 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. and are located in seven different areas: River Front Center, Library Breezeway, Eureka Hall Quad, University Union walkway (between the Union and the Library), Lassen Hall, and in the Residence Hall area. All registered CSUS students are eligible to vote.
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