Police Logs for March 11-March 17
March 20, 2002
Monday, March 11
3:01 p.m. Calaveras Hall ? A pit bull was off its leash. The owner was showing off how aggressive the dog could be. The subject was gone on arrival.
7:29 p.m. Main bus stop ? A male and a female were having an argument. The man was standing in the street and was asked to move by a parking officer. The man got mad and boarded the bus leaving campus.
Tuesday, March 12
12:16 a.m. Solano Hall ? A homeless man with a bicycle was sleeping out on the landing. The man was contacted and sent on his way.
12:18 p.m. Lot 11 ? A suspicious man was casing vehicles in the parking lot. The subject was contacted, identified and told to leave campus. No vehicles were tampered with.
Wednesday, March 13
9 a.m. Lot 8 ? Argument over a parking space with one person threatening to damage the other?s vehicle.
1:39 p.m. Shasta Hall ? An officer was flagged down by a person who reported that someone was lying on the ground. Checked OK; the person was sleeping.
3:15 p.m. Lot 7 ? Lug nuts were stolen from the front tire of a silver Honda. Report taken.
7:14 p.m. Mendocino Hall ? A report came in about two subjects in the bathroom having sex. One subject in the area was contacted and advised.
Thursday, March 14
10:29 a.m. Lot 4B ? Two people involved in a verbal argument over a parking space. Subjects were contacted and advised.
10:49 a.m. Sequoia Hall ? A transient-looking woman was talking to herself and carrying some sort of white trash bag. She was ontacted and sent on her way.
Friday, March 15
8:59 a.m. University Union ? A man said he was threatened by the husband of a girl he was friendly with on campus. Report taken.
11:53 a.m. Sequoia Hall ? Someone?s dog was running up and down the halls disturbing students and faculty. Owner was contacted and advised.
5:19 p.m. Student Health Center ? A person with a garbage bag over his face pulled into the parking lot of the health center. Subject was known to officers and checked OK.
7:15 p.m. Parking Structure ? Two males were throwing things off the top of the structure. Subjects contacted and advised.
Sunday, March 17
1:06 a.m. Desmond Hall ? A man reported that his laptop was stolen from his dorm room. Another person, Isaac Bonaker, said he was missing $80. Bonaker turned out to be the suspect and was arrested and taken to county jail.