Enrolled Students Link Directory
March 18, 2002
Student Resources: Enrolled Students Section
Admission & Records Forms 149; Official forms including Transcript Request Form, Change of Major Form, and Add/Drop Petition
Academic Advising FAQ 149; Frequently Asked Advising Questions
CasperWeb 149; Use your SacLink account to access C@sper through the Internet.
– View your Unofficial Academic Record, pay Registration Fees, Add/Drop a class, etc.
Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) Homepage 149; CSUS student government
SacLink 149; Currently enrolled students, faculty and staff can access to university resources and the Internet through digital telephone services.
Testing Center 149; Provides service to students and faculty in testing and assessment by administering exams required for admission, class placement, and graduation as well as regular class quizzes, midterms and finals.