Review: From Hell

Image: Review: From Hell:Johnny Depp stars as Inspector Frederick Abberline in "From Hell." Photo courtesy 20th Century Fox :

Image: Review: From Hell:Johnny Depp stars as Inspector Frederick Abberline in “From Hell.” Photo courtesy 20th Century Fox :

Reviewed by Jason Okamoto

The Hughes Brothers? “From Hell,” adapted from thecomic book with the same title, is based on the legendof Jack the Ripper. The detailed, lengthy comicdefinitely provided a perfect outline that thedirectors of “Menace to Society” put to use. The filmcaptures the look and feel of what the streets ofLondon must have been like back in the 1880s – it?sjust too bad the story doesn’t utilize this to itsadvantage.

I have to credit the movie for not deviating from thereason we are watching. And that is to answer thequestion, “Who the hell is Jack the Ripper?” The lowerclass citizens on the streets of Whitechapel live infear because someone is murdering and mutilating theprostitutes. To solve the case, the police departmentenlists the psychic inspector Frederick GeorgeAbberline, played by Johnny Depp. He is young for hisprofession, smokes opium and drinks absinthe. He seemsto be perfect for the bizarre case.

While investigating, he figures out that the killer issystematically picking off a specific group ofprostitutes. With the help of prostitute Mary Kelly(Heather Graham), Abberline attempts to untangle ascandalous web of mystery that goes all the way to thetop of high society.

As I’m getting older, a deeper respect for Johnny Depphas been forming. Much like his role in “SleepyHollow,” Depp sinks into the part of a man who isdisturbed, but at the same time very practical. Whenyou see Depp, you see a guy you can hang with for twohours or so. The only problem here is that theperformance is locked inside a story that doesn’t domuch.

The plot contains what are supposed to be sharp turns,but end up feeling more like gradual curves. “FromHell” could have been a racecar, but feels more likethe family station wagon. Even though it?s verybloody, the thrills and chills in this movie take aback seat to precision.

2 stars