Police Log Nov. 14-Nov. 20

Image: Police Log for Jan. 19- Jan. 27::
November 14, 2001
Monday, Nov. 5
9:11 a.m. Riverside Hall ? A subject was stuck in anelevator; officers were sent to check his welfare. Hewas escorted off the elevator as Facilities Managementwas sent to scene to repair the problem.
10:04 a.m. Lot 7A ? A female was found in her vehiclehaving a diabetic reaction. She was transported byambulance to Sutter Memorial Hospital.
Tuesday, Nov. 6
11:55 p.m. Douglas Hall ? Campus police were advisedof a man in the building soliciting inside theclassrooms. The subject was contacted and sent on hisway.
4:30 p.m. Mendocino Hall ? Reports were received of astudent yelling and causing disruption in a computerlab because she “lost a document” and it was not savedin the computer. The subject was identified as 25years old, wearing a red shirt and black pants. Shewas checked OK and resumed working.
Wednesday, Nov. 7
1:33 p.m. Mariposa Hall ? A man called from a restroomstall, saying a black male, late 30s with bright whitebasketball shoes, was lying on the floor trying tolook under the door. The subject said he couldidentify and wanted to make a report.
4:39 p.m. River Front Center ? Complaint of asolicitor on campus attempting to get students toenter a contest. The subject was identified was a20-year-old male, wearing eyeglasses, a blackturtleneck and jeans.
Thursday, Nov. 8
2:40 p.m. Tahoe Hall ? An intoxicated and hostileblack male was found in the men?s restroom tauntingand making gestures to fight. The reporting partyadvised that the male had a beer in his hand.
11:32 p.m. Residence Hall Parking ? Twenty men werefound marching in the lot yelling fraternity chants.The group was advised to leave.
Friday, Nov. 9
12:27 p.m. Public Service Building ? A suspiciousletter from Ghana arrived in the mail. The letterlooked strange and was not expected. The letter waschecked OK.
1:09 p.m. Shasta Hall? A white male, about 80 yearsold, wearing blue pants and a blue shirt, holding awhite cane and a plastic bag seemed disoriented andlost.- Officers made contact and checked OK.
Sunday, Nov. 11
2:29 p.m. Sutter Hall ? Loud music reported from dormroom. The reporting party tried to contact the dormresident, but they refused to turn down the music orcome to the door. The dorm resident was contacted and advised.