Safe Rides for Sac State

Crystal M. Clark

Students at Sacramento State can rest assured that they will always have a safe ride home on Halloween or any other night. Safe Rides, a program offered by Sac State and sponsored by Associated Students, Inc., is run with the hopes of preventing drinking and driving in the Sac State and greater Sacramento communities.

Co-Directors of Safe Rides, John Fine and Scott Demedeiros are in charge of bringing Safe Rides to the Sac State community. “I enjoy the job. It is very time consuming, but it is a worthwhile commitment,” Fine said.

Safe Rides operates September through May and is open Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. The program provides safe, confidential and free rides to any Sac State student, faculty or staff member with a picture ID.

Each semester, Safe Rides takes home about 1,000 people who might have otherwise chosen to drive while intoxicated. The program seems to be used most often in the Spring semester. Last fall, Safe Rides gave 1,081 people rides home and in spring they gave 1,291 rides.

The program survives because of the generosity of its volunteers.”Safe Rides is dependent upon its volunteers, and if we don’t have volunteers then we cannot operate,” Fine said.

To volunteer or for more information, stop by the office, located on the first floor of the University Union behind Peak Adventures, or call 278-7923.