Causeway Classic: not as dangerous as last time
October 22, 2001
Last week?s sit-in at President Donald Gerth?s office to protest the cancellation of primetime Monday-Wednesday classes was right on target, but it is too bad the protesters didn?t drag more people along with them. If the group of just over 20 students would have marched through the Library Quad with their signs visible, and yelled about their trip to Gerth?s Sacramento Hall office, their numbers would have likely grown exponentially.
This issue is odd in that students are fired up about it.
Protesters can make a difference. If enough people get together and rattle Gerth?s cage, he may weaken his stance and defer to students? wishes. Fewer than 30 students are not going to get the job done, although it is better than nothing. Add a zero to that figure, and perhaps Gerth will realize that he has pissed off the populous. After all, a man his age can only take a certain amount of organized noise and all-around ruckus. If we piss Gerth off and make our presence known, he will try to do whatever he can to make sure these embarrassing situations do not escalate or repeat themselves.
Students are fired up about the Monday-Wednesday scheduling controversy and appear to be ready to take action. The protesters had the right idea, but it could have been so much more.
Another thing that students on campus are always fired up about is the Causeway Classic, and it?s only three days away. So what if the Hornets are struggling a bit, and were recently blanked by winless Montana State? The Aggies are coming to campus, and history has shown that students, yes even students at Sacramento State, will show up in droves and actually care about a student event.
Students here seldom vote and usually run away from campus faster than Gerth can change the class schedule. But this game is a sure thing, Sac State will be rocking on Saturday night.
Things are a little bit different than the last time UC Davis rode their cows into Sacramento for some pigskin scuffling. In 1999, there was a death in the parking lot outside Hornet Stadium, and some things got rowdy among the 20,000 in attendance inside the gates. Largely because of that melee, Gerth changed University policy that restricted student drinking to within designated areas, where people can?t get a decent view of the game. So if your style is to enjoy the rivalry with a couple of brewskies in you, do it before or after the game, because Saturday is all about the game itself.
A win would be sweet for Sac State and a loss would … well, that would suck.
Russ Edmondson is a journalism major. He can be reached at [email protected].