Our necessary recovery

Image: Our necessary recovery::

State Hornet Staff

Early Tuesday, as The State Hornet was finishing the issue in your hands, terrorists attacked Washington D.C. and New York City. Our hearts go out to the many victims of these devastating events. And we also offer our humble condolences to the relatives of the victims in the Sacramento area and here at Sacramento State. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

This attack is the most devastating to occur on mainland American soil in the past 200 years. Understandably, it will have enormous implications. These tumultuous events will most likely lead to the imposition of drastic measures in all areas of security. It?s likely that you will no longer be able to walk through major airports or office buildings as freely again. Heightened security measures can be expected. We hope our government takes wise long-term measures that will ensure our citizen?s safety but without sacrificing our cherished individual rights. If America ? in the wake of this – resorts to police state tactics, the terrorists will have won.

At press time, major news sources insinuated that the attacks came from overseas. This may prove to be true. However, it should be remembered that few attacks on the United States have been the result of foreign terrorism. Many officials suspected foreign terrorists in the Oklahoma City bombings but were, in fact, wrong. We encourage our government to take actions that are resolute, but not driven by rage. Hopefully, this will not result in an anti-foreign backlash. Actions by the Bush administration should be just, not drastic.

The most important actions that should be taken this stage can be taken by you, our readers. The survivors of this disaster are in the time of their greatest need. They will need help. If blood or charity drives take place in Sacramento, we encourage you to come donate. In the meantime, we urge you stay as safe as possible. Those of you traveling by airline in the near future should do so with caution. The possibility of follow-up attacks should not be ruled out.

This extraordinary act of terror has produced many heroes in the emergency services: police, fire and medical departments in the devastated areas. We are grateful for their ability to respond and save lives. If their actions are any indication, there is an incredible resolve to cope with these disasters. America will recover.