Just say “No” to Talk Shows
May 15, 2001
In 1969, Phil Donahue stepped out into his studio audience and let a guest woman ask a question. He put the microphone up her to face and an entire era took over; but what an ugly era it has turned out to be.
May 7, 2001, Sally Jessie Raphael aired a program with the topic of DNA testing. In case you have been living in a cave the “Sally Jessie Raphael Show” is another brainless talk show that capitalizes on human emotions.
Mario Lewis sits on stage with a big smile on his face, because he is about to find out if he is the father of his lover’s baby. His wife, Amanda Lewis, sobs in tears next to him and didn’t have a clue that her man had been unfaithful.
Flying to stage is Mario’s lover Tanisha Cox. “I tole youze, my baby is yours; fool,” Fox said. The DNA results came in, and Lewis was father.
But who cares and why is our society fixated on other’s emotions? The “SallyJessie Raphael Show” is just one of the many talk shows that exploitsrelationship deception.
Are our lives so pathetic that we need to feel the pain of others? Talkshows are violent and unnecessary, not to mention that every time you turnone on, they are about the same topic. Who slept with who and what the endresult was.
“I find Sally Jessie Raphael to be pathetic and desperate for a buck,” saidDavid Cloninger, a computer programmer.
Cloninger said that talk shows are like feeding your brain with emptycalories all the time. “Watching girls half-naked, with rolls hanging out oftheir too-short skirts, is not my idea of entertainment,” said Cloninger.
Americans must be watching the talk shows, because they are on all morningand afternoon. Let’s see, who is home in the morning? People, who are unemployed, collecting welfare and raising children, with the exception, of those who are home with the sniffles.
This has to be a correct assumption, since most of the advertisers for talkshows are companies like “Western Career College,” and “Injury Attorneys AtYour Service.” Goodness, just sitting listening to the ads must make for adepressed individual.
Don’t forget Paul the Diamond Man. He will give you credit, even you havefiled for bankruptcy.
What is this world coming to?
Any person who gets up in the morning and turns on the boob tube to viewsuch garbage, needs an Old Italian woman to give them a good whacking.
How can Sally Jessie Raphael look herself in the mirror in the morning? Easy,since her mirror is probably gold plated.
One should wonder, why she even airs new shows, since all she has to do isplay the same show everyday. Her brain-dead viewers wouldn’t even notice, aslong there are hoochie mama’s pulling each others hair out, while fightingfor their men.
Donahue was an icon in the talk show business, yet he took with himself-respect and dignity. While Donahue left a footprint in the talk showindustry, his followers feet have doodoo on the bottom and it stinks!