The empowerment of society lies in religion
March 21, 2001
While in the course of obtaining the full spectrum of freedoms bestowedupon this nation, many occasions have risen in which legislativemisinterpretation has interrupted the social progression of freedom.Thus, some significant intentions for America’s intentions which havethoroughly been set in our view by the Founding Fathers’ have been lost. This loss of American liberty has consequently resulted in theun-empowerment of society. In order for us to achieve the full extentof America’s potential, we must be willing to examine the true intent ofthe Founding Fathers on many key issues.
However, it wasn’t until this last week that the importance of thisself-examination came to my attention, as I found the pure neglect ofconstitutional law on the issue of separation of church and statecarried out by many of our nation’s leaders, vile and utterly atrociousin manner. Therefore, let us examine where the line which separates thechurch and the state exists, for in this argument lies the birth, thefoundation, and the liberation of our people.
In order for us to understand the line which separates church and state,we must first recognize the fact that at no point in the Constitution dothe words separation, church and state appear in a progressive order.The true “wall of separation” was derived from a comment made by ThomasJefferson to a group of Baptist clergymen in Danbury, Connecticut onJanuary 1, 1802. The comment was intended to assure this religiousgroup that there would not be a United Church of America. The conceptof a United Church already existed in parts of Europe. Thus, thisstatement was intended to appease a growing concern about the governmentmerging the denominations into one church. Therein, the separation ofchurch and state was only meant to protect the church from the state,never did it aim to protect the country from the belief in God. Whywould the founders install a system like that? Many of them believedthat if you were not a God-fearing Christian then you were not even anAmerican.
Somehow, the meaning of Thomas Jefferson’s mere statements and loosetranslations of the first and fourteenth amendments have led our countryto a war against religion. Take Sac State for example. There is no suchplace (and if there is it’s incredibly hard to find) in which theConstitution, the Declaration of Independence, or any other historicaldocument pertaining to the birth of our nation, stands openly posted.Surely, there should be some well-attributed reason why this campus doesnot post such important documentation. After all, this StateUniversity should post the literature which has thus led to theliberties we now enjoy in America.
The University would never admit to it, but it is my firm convictionthat the reason these important documents are not on public display isbecause they suggest a belief in God, and the University would rathercircumvent an atheistic rebellion in leu of posting the legal literaturewhich has set us free.
The purpose of establishing this society was to avoid this samereligious oppression which we now induce. Therein, the unconstitutionalwall between church and state is merely the establishment of religiousoppression. Let us stop the attack on religion and bring America backto the place where we can truly stand and say the nation’s forgottenmotto: “In God We Trust.”
Joshua Wood is an undeclared student and can be reached by e-mail [email protected].