Bicycle and vehicle collide at bridge

Image: Bicycle and vehicle collide at bridge:Police gather at Guy West bridge ramp after today's accident.:

Image: Bicycle and vehicle collide at bridge:Police gather at Guy West bridge ramp after today’s accident.:

State Hornet

An unidentified bicyclist was hit on the west side of the Guy West Bridge shortly after 10 a.m. today.

The Sacramento Police, who are handling the incident, were on the scene and said that a bicyclist was hit by a U.S. government vehicle.

An officer said that the vehicle, a forest green sport utility vehicle, was trying to get across the portion of the bridge which crosses the levee. The driver then waved about six or seven bicycles through and then started to drive when a collision occurred between the bicyclist and the vehicle.

The unidentified man was bleeding from the head and walked to a waiting ambulance to be taken to a hospital to be treated for his injuries, a Sac Police officer said.