Students need more control over vital campus services

The Hornet's Opinion

ASI President Jason Bryant?s proposal to President Gerth ? asking that the University Union Board of Directors contain a student majority ? is a first step toward increasing student control over the University Union and other services vital to students’ lives. The Union Board, with only four students representing our interests, currently boasts a majority of administrators, including Vice President for Student Affairs Shirley Uplinger and Vice President for Administration Ed Del Biaggio.

This current arrangement doesn’t always address the best interests of the students of Sac State.

Bryant?s proposal, which is supported by The State Hornet, also provides that students have an equal opportunity to become chair of the board. According to the proposal, six students would be elected by the Sac State student body during the general elections held each spring. This part of the proposal is opposed by some administrators who would like to see even fewer students elected.

The central issue is student control of university services. The State Hornet believes students should have more control over operation of campus services ? not less. More control should include more say in the running of lucrative operations such as food services and the Hornet Bookstore. These services receive much, if not almost all, of their business from students and should be organized to better serve student needs. How do the high prices of textbooks and coffee benefit the students?

Other universities, such as Chico State, have their Associated Students run the bookstore with success ? and cheaper costs for students. Student interests would be better served here at Sac State if we went to the similar type of system.

The benefits of changing to student controlled campus services could generate more student interest in campus issues ? pulling Sac State away from the commuter campus image it has been trying to shed.

With the student government that this campus already has in place, it would be relatively easy to shift control to student organizations. The University Union is funded through student fees collected by ASI, but the food services in the building are run through the Hornet Foundation ? despite constant complaints over the outrageous prices.

Keep in mind that the University Union is for the students, but still is not called a Student Union as it is at many other campuses.

President Gerth needs to make the right decision quickly as elections for student office are just around the corner.

While it is doubtful that the President would cede some of his many powers to the students, we can all hope that he will make moves in the right direction.