Book Bin offers deals on literture

Angela Basquez

Sacramento State’s Friends of the CSUS Library provides a book bin every first and third Thursday of the month. The book bin provides a collection of used books at a reasonably low price to the public and benefits the CSU library system.

The cost of a used book can range from 50 cents to $ 2. A pocketbook or small paperbacks sell for 50 cents. A non-fiction book sells for $ 2.

According to Kim Kuenlen, director of development for the library, “we have everything from textbooks to cookbooks, to books on how to train your dog. We have everything.”

A person can find a used book in the subjects of non-fiction, fiction, mystery, encyclopedias, research material, foreign languages and bibliographies. Record albums, art book, art posters and even prints are also sold at the sale.

The most popular sellers include art books, used textbooks, and some easy reading, Kuenlen said.

The Friends of the CSUS Library was introduced in 1992. It became an organization to increase the growing demands of Sac State’s library.

The organization is conveniently located on the lower level of the library where the book sale is held.

“It’s a happening place,” Kuenlen said.

The staff has a donation box near the shelves of the used books. If there is no staff available, patrons can choose their selected items and drop the donation in the box.

The organization contributed $25,000 to the Library Endowment for the Preservation of Special Materials. They also funded special projects for up to $15,000.

The book bin sells books that have been donated but which are not needed for the library’s use. Funds raised from the sales are used to help out the library.

The organization helps promote the library to the community, purchase special items and promote volunteer activities.

The public can be a member of the Friends of the CSUS Library by enrolling in the program. The cost for students is $ 5. Members receive a gift certificate for $ 5 to the Friends’ Book Bin, the used book sale area. They also receive invitations to all exhibits, lectures, workshops and events.

“You also have the satisfaction of knowing that your money is going to benefit all students,” Kuenlen said.

For more information, contact the office at (916) 278-5154 or visit their Web site at