Women’s group responds to Pro-Life rally

Josh Leon

The Women’s Resource Center has drafted a petition for the University and has set up a booth in the Library quad in response to the Pro-Life rally that took place on Tuesday.

The petition is attempting to recommend to the university that it review its policies involving the material that can be displayed and handed out in on-campus protests.

The protest sparking this petition displayed pictures of fetuses that were aborted as late as the third trimester of a pregnancy, according to Natalie Thomas, one of the booth attendants from the Women’s Resource Center.

“They want us to think that that is what is going on,” Thomas said.

According to Bonnie Sugiyama, also an attendant from the Women’s Center, such late abortions are only allowed in special circumstances.

“There was some misinformation that was being circulated,” said Patricia Grady, coordinator of the Women’s Resource Center.

Sugiyama said that this petition is not intended to go against free speech.

Grady also said that the Women’s Center has had numerous phone calls from students on campus in response to the material being presented.

The booth also contains information and pamphlets on abortions.

Grady said that the Women’s Center wants to put a forum together that will discuss the issues surrounding the protest.