The winter holiday season is a time when people are pressured to spend more than usual, and with an increase in consumer spending comes an increase in shoplifting and theft. The National Retail Federation...
"Blues for an Alabama Sky" is a great theatrical production, directed by new faculty member Melinda Wilson, being shown on Sacramento State's campus.- Set in Harlem in 1930, the play demonstrates the effects...
Most people have a hard enough time staying focused in school during a regular school year. Senior Artnecia Ramirez knows exactly what this feels like, probably more than the average student. She is not...
Crazy costumes, exotic dancers and a fully stocked bar are all the necessary ingredients for one of the hottest Halloween events in Sacramento. KZZO 100.5, The Zone, will be throwing this year's Exotic...
October is National Queer History Month, and in recognition the Women's Resource Center has planned a special viewing of the documentary "Freedom To Marry: The Journey To Justice." It will show today at...
To most students and faculty, Jeanette would seem to be the average woman. She comes to work here at Sacramento State five days a week, maintaining academic records and files for undergraduate students....
The African Student Association is hosting "American Idol" today, an event to increase awareness of on-campus clubs and organizations while mixing in local talent. The event will be held at 7 p.m. in the...
Do you have 30 seconds to get your finger dirty? If you've ever taken a class with Assistant Professor Nigel Poor of the department of design, then you probably know exactly what that question implies....
Reggaeton music has been around for many years in places like Puerto Rico, but just in the last year has it taken America by storm with popular reggaeton artists as Daddy Yankee, Julio Voltio and Ivy Queen....