Since the launch of the Xbox Kinect and Nintendo Wii Balance Board, gamers have become excited and found a reason to stay active while playing. However, this is no excuse to stop going to the gym and engage...
College students tend to struggle with finding a healthy lifestyle. They are constantly on the go and many depend on caffeine and high levels of sugar to get through the day. Fast food, energy drinks and...
Now that spring break has ended, students should feel rejuvenated and ready to knock out the other half of the semester. But for most of us, that didn’t happen. Professors have overloaded us with work....
I am one of many people who has tattoos for stylistic purposes. I believe they represent my personality in a unique and physically-expressive manner, but employers may disagree with the personal...
Dubstep is opening new doors for electronic music listeners. The sound of extremely low bass, irregular drum patterns, clipped samples and occasional vocals influences the audience to dance with...