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The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

The student news site of Sacramento State University

The State Hornet

Andro Palting, Author

All content by Andro Palting
#SacStateSays: 'Should public use of marijuana be legal in California?'

#SacStateSays: ‘Should public use of marijuana be legal in California?’

Andro Palting
April 20, 2017

This week The State Hornet asked students, “Should public use of marijuana be legal in California?” RELATED: Check out more responses from students here. ...

Aunt Sponge (voiced by Michelle Pollack), left, and Aunt Spiker (voiced by Taylor Fleer), middle, — the two terrible aunts that James (Angel Rodriguez), right, lives with after his parents are eaten by a rhinoceros. The aunts bully James into a miserable life of chores. (Photo by Rin Carbin)

Last Sac State play of semester, based on Roald Dahl book, to start April 5

Andro Palting
March 29, 2017 Originally set to debut last fall as a small production, “James and the Giant Peach” will take to the main stage at the University Theatre on April 5 at 8 p.m....

U.S. Marine Corps Jazz Band's member Cpl. Madeline Young plays the baritone saxophone along with Gunnery Sgt. Jason Knuckles during a performance at Capistrano Hall on March 9. (Photo by Andro Palting)

Sole female member of Marine band performs at Sac State

Andro Palting
March 13, 2017

At a concert with a Frank Sinatra feel, one female musician took to the stage when the U.S. Marine Corps Jazz Band filled Capistrano Hall with its music on March 9 following performances by Sacramento...

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